unique party idea for Lincolnshire

Birthday Party idea for 10 year old

Birthday party ide4a for girls in lincolnshire

Looking for a birthday party idea for 10 year olds? So was Andrea – living in a caravan while building a home meant she was struggling to think of a perfect birthday party for her 10 year old daughter – particularly so close to Christmas. However she googled birthday party ideas and found Diva – and as Charlotte loves her makeup, dancing, posing in front of the camera – she knew it would be perfect!

The girls arrived full of excitement and soon were busy applying lip gloss and brushing their hair ready to pose in front of the camera. They adored the idea that any parent watching the process would be given first a yellow card, and then a red card and sent out of the room if they uttered the immortal words “don’t pull that funny face” or “Don’t squint your eyes when you smile!”

The girls are here to have FUN!! The music was turned up loud and they soon found my embarrassing cheesy party songs on the playlist and danced to the Macarena, the Cha Cha slide, and Superman behind me while they waited for their turn to be “shot”! Here are some photos taken from today’s party – if you are looking for the PERFECT party for the diva in your life – give me a call on 01529 241633 and we will do everything we can to make it special for her. Don’t forget to read the feedback from the party here


Party idea for girls in LincolnshireBirthday party idea for 10 year olds in Lincolnshire-2Birthday party idea for 10 year olds in Lincolnshire-3Birthday party idea for 10 year olds in Lincolnshire-4Birthday party idea for 10 year olds in Lincolnshire-5Birthday party idea for 10 year olds in Lincolnshire-6Birthday party idea for 10 year olds in Lincolnshire-8Birthday party idea for 10 year olds in Lincolnshire-9Birthday party idea for 10 year olds in Lincolnshire-10Birthday party idea for 10 year olds in Lincolnshire-11Birthday party idea for 10 year olds in Lincolnshire-12Birthday party idea for 10 year olds in Lincolnshire-13Birthday party idea for 10 year olds in Lincolnshire-14

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