Kids with Attitude

Kids with Attitude

We have  been asked if Diva will include boys in their parties.  Well of course we will – there is no reason at all why boys can’t join in the fun.  They may not appreciate any makeovers on offer – but then my teenage son use to spend more time in the bathroom that his sister ever did so who knows!

But it has set me thinking and I am currently working on a different slant – a “Kids with Attitude” party – we’ll see what the interest is like but I have put a sample image on below to see if it gets any interest.  I’m thinking boys in particular  would love to have a picture of themselves as long as it shows off their attitude, but there are girls too who prefer this sort of style!  Have a look – let us know what you think – please leave a comment below or pop over to our facebook site, like the page and let us know there!

kids with attitude

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